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EcoShield Environmental Services registers as a CRRU UK supporter.


The Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use is keen for those who use rodenticides responsibly, and in accordance with the CRRU code, to register their companies as CRRU Supporters.


While support for CRRU does not guarantee that responsible procedures are followed when rodenticides are used, it can indicate that a company has considered the importance of the points set out in the CRRU Code and agreed to conduct rodent management operations in accordance with the Code. These guidelines promote best practice in rodent control and help rural users get the best results from their rodent control programmes, at the same time as reducing to a minimum any potential harmful effects on wildlife.


A CRRU Supporter company is permitted to display the CRRU Think Wildlife logo with their business livery, and will also have their name listed on the CRRU Supporters’ Club webpage. A CRRU Supporter will not use that status as an endorsement for any products or specific services, but rather as an indication of their desire to be seen as a responsible user of rodenticides.















EcoShield Environmental Services registers with BaSiS PROMPT.


BaSiS prompt is an independent industry/government recognised register of professional pest controllers who have achieved the required level of competence and have invested time in keeping their knowledge and skills up-to-date.
















EcoShield Environmental Services have been successful in their recent application to become a member of the: 







The Help Direct Safe Trader Scheme is funded by Lancashire County Council and managed by Lancashire Trading Standards Service. The aim of the Scheme is to help the people of Lancashire to find reliable, localtraders and support local businesses.


EcoShield Environmental Services move up from being a probationary member of the British Pest Control Assosciation to being a full servicing member.
















About the BPCA

The British Pest Control Association (BPCA) is the leading UK trade association representing those organisations with a professional interest in the eradication of public health pests. The BPCA are a not-for-profit organisation which acts in the interests of the members and on behalf of the pest management industry within the UK.


What is BPCA's role?

The provision of pest control services to a professional standard can be an area which is overlooked, yet the economics of inadequate pest control can be catastrophic. BPCA places great importance on promoting the highest standards of professionalism within the industry. All organisations that become full servicing members of the Association have to prove their competence before their membership is accepted.

It is the role of the Association to highlight the risks of inadequate control, to offer guidance in what to look for when searching for a pest control contractor, provide general pest advice and guidance documentation, and finally how to select an appropriate pest control professional.





JULY 2014


April 2015

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